

协同效应: the combined power of a group 工作ing together that is greater than the power of individuals 工作ing separately. 让我们一起为王国做伟大的事.




In 2019, 4,500 Protestant churches in North America closed their doors for good, 而只有3个,新建了1000座新教教堂. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, making an already-concerning situation worse. 协同行动计划旨在帮助扭转这一令人担忧的趋势. 

协同作用 is the combined power of a group 工作ing together that is greater than the power of individuals 工作ing separately. This initiative aims to help students plan strategically to graduate from Cedarville, 和其他人一起离开这里, 投入他们的精力, 人才, 在种植方面的努力, 振兴, 教会人数增多. As Cedarville graduates join up with other church members who are equipped to do the 工作 of ministry, 他们的共同努力将取得成功, 蒙神的恩典, abundantly more than only a couple of 牧师 in a church doing all of the 工作 on their own. 因此, the goal is to equip students to leave Cedarville University ready to help establish and strengthen local churches throughout the nation and around the world.


  • 2/3 Two-thirds of 22- to 23-year-old adults stop attending church regularly for at least a year.
  • -1,500 In 2019, roughly 3,000 churches were started – but 4,500 were closed.
  • 42% 42% of worshippers at churches planted between 2008–2014 had never attended a church before or had not in many years.


我毕业. 我如何找到一个需要帮助的城市/教会?

Need exists all over the world because the Gospel is needed in all places. 然而,这可能是压倒性的,并不是很有帮助. 这就是为什么我们提供了 网络部分 在这一页. Feel free to check out the links there to hear about some great 工作 that is going on in church multiplication. 如果你已经知道毕业后你要去哪里, check out that area from these links and see what churches are already doing 工作 there. 深入了解细节, 给牧师发邮件, 让他知道你是谁,什么时候出来, 看看你们怎么才能联系上.


Christians are to be equipped for the 工作 of ministry and the building up of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-16). That is because, as we minister to God’s people within a church context, there is much to be done. The kinds of ministries you could be involved in at a local church include prayer, 门徒, 社区外展, 任务, 音乐部门, 通信, 孩子们的部, 声音和视频, 学生的部, 财务状况, 小组社区, 教堂聚集时的问候者, 政府, 基督教教育, 和更多的.


你的学位将把你带到一个新的地方, 希望还有其他几个来自沙巴体育的人, 从事你受过培训和教育的工作. This 工作 will allow you to be in a location where you can be involved in the life of a local church, 部长忠实, 为教会倍增工作. Part of that 工作 will be you simply living life as Christian in various local contexts (工作, 社区, 餐厅, 娱乐, 等.). Your degree is useful in allowing you to live missionally at your 工作place and also helps you to be a contributing member of your church.


God is looking for faithful, available, initiative-taking, teachable, and humble people. 他不必使用我们,但他选择使用我们,这是因着他的恩典. As one person you can faithfully go with the knowledge and skills you have acquired in your time at Cedarville and leverage those things within a community and a local church. 你可以在工作中和你的邻居中成为一个忠实的见证人. You can faithfully do your part to minister in your church and pray and 工作 toward your church multiplying. 现在, imagine doing that 工作 with several others who also decided to go to the same location, 工作, 还是教堂的牧师. 想象一下,每年都有几个人来. 随着时间的推移,福音运动可能会真正开始.


The Cedarville 全球推广 (GO) department provides opportunities to 与全国各地的教会植堂活动合作. 你可以加入 spring break or summer team to experience firsthand what it is like to 积极参与教会植堂. GO派出了150多名教员, staff, and students to church plant locations in the United States since spring 2020, including trips to Boston, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, and 华盛顿特区.C. 更多信息,请访问 全球外展网站.

Where can I learn more about the process of church planting and all that it involves?

For an excellent resource that deals with the nuts and bolts of church multiplication see www.newchurches.com. On this website you will find free videos that address some of the details about church planting, 以及文章和免费电子书.




Dr. 杰里米•金布尔

Dr. 杰里米•金布尔 serves as Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. 他是比弗克里克大学浸信会的成员, 俄亥俄州, 经常在教堂里讲道和教导, 营地, 会议设置. He has written several books and numerous articles on topics related to theology, 说教, 门徒, 和领导能力. His desire is to know God and make Him known that the church might be strengthened and multiply.

As Director of 协同行动计划 he 工作s with Cedarville University students, 牧师, and local churches to mobilize trained disciples to multiply healthy churches together. 如果您想询问李博士的情况. 请在你的教会或事工的活动上发言 填写此联系表格.


Mobilizing students with the Word of God to strategically go and minister together for healthy church multiplication.



这些 training videos will guide you to consider how you are to engage as a disciple yourself, 领导你的家庭, 在性格上成长, 信念, 和能力, 以及了解你在大使命中的角色. 你当然可以一个人看, you'll get the most out of the training by engaging the content with others, 尤其是你当地教会的成员.


Engage on a deeper level as you seek to grow in Christlike character, 建立王国, 培养门徒. 这些 圣经的声音,基于博客的资源 支持基金会视频培训, so you can find out more about the state of our culture and arm yourself with biblical 真理到达迷失的人.

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