One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Become a Bold Leader With a Servant's Heart.

Excel in the workplace as a manager or organizational leader. Stretch yourself to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, thinking deeply to discover creative solutions to new problems. 学习用圣经的智慧有效地沟通和做策略性的决定. 你将准备好以基督的谦卑在商界为他人服务.

Pursue your vocational calling in business and communication.
  Explore 13 Outstanding degree Programs  

Students talking with a professor in a classroom.

Choose Your Area of Study in Business and Communication

Professor teaching in a classroom.

Business – Undergraduate

发展技能,你需要成为一个优秀的领导者与王国在商业世界的影响. 通过圣经的视角来学习如何成为一个忠心的管家,以及如何在商业生涯中为你周围的人服务.

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Students collaborating at a table viewing a laptop.

Communication – Undergraduate

培养你在信息混乱的世界中有效沟通的能力. At Cedarville, 你会被同行和教授包围,他们会挑战你,把你推向基督,为你的传播职业做准备.

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Female business professional among peers.

Business – Graduate

打开大门,以新的机会与研究生商业学位从雪松维尔. Your courses will be relevant to the real world, 使您成为一名仆人式领导者,以卓越的方式满足当今最重要的业务需求.

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Plaster School of Business Quick Facts

  • 100% Job/Grad School Placement
  • 30 Faculty Members
  • 736 Undergraduate Students
  • 13 Degree Programs


Female student studying at a table with a laptop and notebook.Professor and student talking in a hallway.Students listening attentively in a classroom.

Studying Business and Communication From a Distinctly Biblical Worldview

沙巴体育,你将面临挑战,将商业和沟通作为你为基督的事工. In a field where selfishness and greed can so easily take root, Cedarville emphasizes stewardship of God's good gifts to us. Throughout your studies, 你会被鼓励谦卑地领导,并权衡每一个决定是否违背神的话语所赐给我们的真理.

Your classmates will push you to be intentional about your faith, 你的课程将挑战你在工作场所建立沟通和决策的圣经伦理. 学习在一个真正体现呼召的环境中领导,以仆人式的领导来反映基督. 

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord 只要行公义,慈爱,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行?”

— Micah 6:8

Business – Undergraduate

Become a force for good in the workplace.

沙巴体育的本科商业课程为发展专业技能和为职场做好准备提供了一个充满机会的世界. 无论你是喜欢处理数字还是创造性地传达品牌信息, you will find yourself challenged to excel in your field. 从圣经的角度学习商业,让自己沉浸在一个专注于为基督接触世界的环境中.

“工作日的诱惑会在早晨向天主突破的基础上被征服. Decisions, demanded by work, become easier and simpler where they are made not in the fear of men, but only in the sight of God. He wants to give us today the power which we need for our work.”

— Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Communication – Undergraduate

Learn to collaborate and lead with integrity.

对真理和卓越的承诺将定义你在雪松维尔的交流经历. As you relate through spoken, written, visual, nonverbal, and digital communication, 你将发展成为一个专业人士,知道如何有效地与他人沟通. Be bold in your pursuit of servant leadership, and choose an education that will prepare you to reflect Christ to the world.

“If you want a successful business, 你的员工必须感觉到你在为他们工作,而不是他们在为你工作.”

— Sam Walton

"The material creation was made by God to be developed, cultivated, and cared for in an endless number of ways through human labor. But even the simplest of these ways is important. Without them all, human life cannot flourish."

— Tim Keller

"It is by God's grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. Therefore, 我们以符合圣经原则的方式经营公司,以荣耀神."

— David Green

Dean – Plaster School of Business

Jeffrey Haymond

Jeffrey Haymond, PhD

Dean, Robert W. Plaster School of Business; Professor of Economics

“At the Robert W. Plaster School of Business, we disciple students spiritually and professionally. 我们引导我们的商业和传播学生成为神呼召他们成为的人, with a view of their vocation as a mission field. Our world needs graduates of integrity with hearts of service, and our graduates are fully ready to answer this call when they leave Cedarville. 神继续在我们的学校和我们的学生和校友做惊人的事情, and it is a joy to see His hand at work.”

— Jeffrey Haymond, PhD

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